We advise from the Investor's Perspective

What makes us different:

Pragmatic: We cut through the AI hype. Future competitive advantage equals the fastest learning and intelligence production curve. This will be the result of a superior, highly adaptable technology stack.

Diligence: We identify carefully and patiently truly transformative technologies

Quality: Those technologies or apps must over time create defensible competitive advantages. They also need to support exponential growth. 

Orchestration: We believe in "Combined AI". Many AI applications, providing data for the corporate brain multiply in force.

Integration: The true potential of AI will only be levered by tight and seamless integration.

Investor Perspective: The investor perspective requires to push for quantifiable metrics tied to positive cash flow. This ensures AI initiatives impact revenue, cost, sales, prices, risk and assured compliance directly.

Risk mitigation: Our experience helps to identify the AI vendors consistently delivering and those over-promising. We support making critical build-vs-buy and partnership decisions.

Superior talent: We spot AI talent gaps in leadership and technical teams and connect companies with top researchers or executives.

Responsibility: We help to walk the fine line between open-sourcing for community benefits and protecting proprietary AI assets for long-term value capture and creation.

Regulation: Our foresight into regulatory trends combined with our high-level EU experience helps companies proactively implement ethical, risk-reduced, compliant AI solutions.