The following criteria are a selection of important criteria for investment decisions. This list is by no means exhaustive nor does every investor apply all of those criteria. However, they give a reasoable impression what concerns investors' have on their mind before making an investment.
Systematically assessing the company's investment case, taking on the investors perspectie, ususally leads to new insights as this has been done very rarely systematically before.
Unlike management consulting project, which in most case focus on parts of the company, this approach essentially looks as a company as an organisation to produce True Free Cash Flow (after all costs, necessary investments, risk adjustments etc.).
This is the sober perspective of the capital market. It is the final economic benchmark of the success of a company. However, it is important to clearly state that this is only one possible, if very helpful, approach of defining success for a company. But this approach provides an entreprenuerially very valuable perspective.
Based on 25 year real life experience and many projects SPATHA has identified 48 corporate functions (e.g. marketing, sales, compliance ...) and several hundred subfunctions (e.g. marketing with the subfunction online marketing or marketing on linkedin) and related each of those to Key Success Factors (KSF) from the investors perspective.
Those KSF directly feed into the financal plan we jointly create during an IIRP and are made operational by defining Objectives and Key results (OKRs - for an explanation by John Doer, legendary Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, see here:
This establishes a direct connection of the investors perspective to all execution activities. A company run with this perspective will be likely much better in creating True Free Cash Flow then a company not run this way.
Please note for the following that this is a broad introduction. In a real world case we would jointly with you, the client, and very selectively prioritise the investment criteria with the most beneficial impact on the investment case (usually three to five), focus on the Key Success Factors with the most beneficial impact on the investment case (usually 3 to 5 per investment criterion), so the project is impactful, manageable and project risk is limited.
While our analysis is initially complex, for execution we only focus on the most effective levers. Always.
So here are several, exemplary high level investor criteria and three illustrative measures that can be taken, depending on the invidivual circumstances, to make the improvements necessary to gain investor respect for the performance delivered.
1. Enduring Competitive Advantage: The program will help the client identify and strengthen their competitive advantage, enhancing their market positioning, profitability, and long-term sustainability. Potential measures during the program could be
2. Sustainable Pricing Power: The program will assist the client in developing and implementing competitive pricing strategies that maximize revenue, market share, and profitability, fostering a sustainable competitive advantage in their industry. Potential measures during the program could be
3. Attractive Industry Dynamics: By analyzing industry trends and opportunities, the program can guide the client in capitalizing on growth prospects and positioning themselves as an attractive investment opportunity within their industry. Potential measures during the program could be
4. Growth Potential: The program will focus on identifying and nurturing growth opportunities, market expansion strategies, and innovation initiatives that position the client as a high-growth investment prospect with significant upside potential. Potential measures during the program could be
5. Scalability: By evaluating the scalability of the client's operations and business model, the program aims to ensure that the company can efficiently grow, adapt to changing market demands, and seize opportunities for expansion. Potential measures during the program could be
6. Predictable Cash Flows: Through cash flow management strategies and forecasting, the program aims to help the client maintain stable cash flows, optimize resource allocation, and demonstrate financial discipline to potential investors. Potential measures during the program could be
7. Solid Financials: Through financial analysis and planning, the program will assist the client in improving their financial health, stability, and transparency, enhancing theirattractiveness to institutional investors. Potential measures during the program could be
8. Strong Balance Sheet: Through financial planning and risk management practices, the program will help the client strengthen their balance sheet, optimize capital structure, and fortify their financial resilience against economic challenges and market uncertainties. Potential measures during the program could be
9. Impressive Track Record: The program will focus on showcasing the client's track record of success, operational efficiency, and strategic execution, building investor trust and confidence in the company's ability to deliver consistent performance. Potential measures during the program could be
10. Experienced and Innovative Management: By identifying and developing key leadership competencies and fostering a culture of innovation, the program will ensure that the client's management team is equipped to drive growth, adapt to market changes, and enhance shareholder value. Potential measures during the program could be
11. Favorable Valuation: By assessing the client's valuation metrics and refining their investor communications, the program will seek to enhance the company's perceived value and attractiveness to investors seeking undervalued opportunities. Potential measures during the program could be
12. Reliable and well managed Operations and Processes: Investors want to see growth. However, growing from a platform that does not scale will likely cause substantial problems. So a thorough assessment of the reliability and scaleability of Operations and Processes is needed. Potential measures during the program could be
13. Robust IT infrastructure: Typically, the IT Infrastucture of a company has grown over time. This has advantages (e.g. reliability) as well as disadvantages (e.g. security). Investors want and need to understand to what extent the IT infrastructure is up to the job and how much additional investment is needed if the company is really to grow. Potential measures during the program could be
14. Effective Risk Management: Most companies are far to lenient in the assessment of risk. And this is good, because it would also limit the possibilites. However, investors usually look at risk first. So it is necessar to strike a fine balance between entrepreneurial freedom necessary for growth and investors' requirments. Potential measures during the program could be